CLAM-2030 - Características

Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for LCMS

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Automates All Process Steps, from Pretreatment to Measuring Analytes in Blood, Urine, Serum and Plasma Samples

Simply place blood collection tubes in position, set parameters on the dedicated software, and the module automatically performs everything from sample pretreatment to LC/MS/MS analysis

1. Preparation of blood collection tube

Blood collection tube


Prepare a blood collection tube with a sample (whole blood, blood plasma, blood serum, urine) in it.
Note: Analysis of blood serum/plasma components requires pretreating samples by centrifuging in advance.


2. Start the measurement after setting parameters

Set the parameters with the dedicated control software

Reduce operation mistakes and perform a faster analysis in three easy steps: obtain sample ID, select analysis process steps (kit), and press the START button. 

Analysis with a dedicated control software

Full automation throughout the entire process from pretreatment to LC/MS/MS measurement.


Full automation process

LC/MS/MS measurement

LC/MS/MS measurements

Supports Measuring a Wide Range of Compounds

  • • A wide lineup* of compatible LCMS systems is available for analyzing a variety of measurements.
    • Measure hundreds of compounds in a single analysis.
    • Easily change between different methods.

    *LCMS-8040 /8045 /8050 /8060 /8060NX /9030
  • Measure hundreds of compounds in a single analysis



Checking Various Measurement Results Is Easy

  • • Measurement results, data alarms, and device status can be confirmed.
      Quantitative results (concentration value), Mass chromatogram of each component.
      Calibration curve accuracy %, data alarm for the measurement result of the quality control substance.
    •Easily output reports on library search results.
  • Checking Various Measurement Results




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