Ultra Fast Mass Spectrometer: LCMS-8030

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Emcure Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Emcure Pharmaceutical Ltd.


    Life Science, Small Molecule Pharmaceutical




We at Shimadzu, are delighted to see that our inventions- Nexera and LCMS-8030, not only stand up to the demanding expectations of customers all across the world, but also surpasses their imagination of a true sense Fast LCMS system. Second name to perfect marriage of UHPLC to TQ is Nexera and LCMS-8030- which time and again have proved scope of their applicability!
We interviewed Mr. Ashok Chaudhari, principle scientist of Emcure Pharma, analytical research department, in Pune, India- for his review and inputs about Nexera and LCMS-8030.


Ashok Chaudhari

Ashok Chaudhari
Principle Scientist
Analytical Research

*Los afiliados y los títulos del entrevistado están actualizados al momento del informe.

Emcure Pharmaceutical Ltd.
URL https://emcure.com/

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Please introduce your study and your role in your lab.

My job profile is to identify, isolate and characterize the known and unknown impurities present in drug substance and drug product.

What is the purpose of usage of Shimadzu LCMS-8030?

We are using shimadzu LCMS 8030 for quantitation of genotoxic impurities, and identification of unknown impurities. Also to carry out the method validations of the developed methods.

How many people in your lab are using LCMS-8030? How often?

Three people from my lab are using LCMS-8030 everyday.

What was the reason to choose Nexera as front-end LC?

Nexera is only UHPLC with pressure limit is up to 19000 psi, so we can work on lower partical size column comfortably, this is giving us flexibility to play with run times and resolution. Also we can use regular pressure LC to ultra high-pressure LC without changing the flow cell. The system is also ideally suited as a front end for LC-MS applications. Column oven CTO-30A is sufficient for handling small columns and giving uniform temperature through the length of column.

What are the advantages and benefits of LCMS-8030?

MRM/SIM method optimization is very easy in this instrument. Since we use Nexera as front end, the analysis time is very short, and accordingly we can appreciate the fast analysis of LCMS-8030. This enables us to analyse number of sample in day.

How was the ease of method development ?

Method development is very easy. Automatic MRM gives all the possibilities of MRM pair with the best option. Method development is fully automated - just put the sample and run the mass spectrometer, you will get the results!

Please let us know your impression about Software?

The software is user-friendly.

Please let us know your idea about the needs to be improved, added and enhanced for LCMS-8030.

May be column oven can be re-designed to give high temperature with longer columns.

Please let us know your requests for Shimadzu technology, products and service.

We are using multiple technologies from Shimadzu like HPLC, IR, UV, Nexera and LCMS. The service and support from Shimadzu and its allies is very good and prompt, and helps us keep a minimum downtime.

Comments About the Interview

With Advent of Fast LC, need of the hour is to have a Fast LCMS system to accelerate the work flows. In Indian context this fact stands firm and sound, keeping in mind the Pharma export and CRO business. LCMS-8030 Triple Quadrupole from Shimadzu, is the first of its kind to address this situation, and is finding its place in multiple labs in India, catering to array of application ranging from Genotoxic impurities to BA/BE to food analysis! It was an immense pleasure for us at Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt.Ltd. [SAIP] to have a session with one of our esteemed customer - Mr. Ashok Chaudhari. He is sound scientist and has a wonderful practical insight on implementation of this machine and technology to his applications. Mr. Chaudhary is a Senior Research Scientist at Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd., which is one the leading pharmaceutical companies of India. His department is majorly involved in identification and quantification of genotoxic impurities.

Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd. (SAIP)

SAIP is operating and supporting customers in India with its 5 business partners and a fully equipped 6000sq Ft. lab in heart of Mumbai city. In continuation to Shimadzu's commitment of supporting its customers in India this Customer support center was commenced in year 2006 in Mumbai.
In line with the inherent value - we are dedicated for the "best of our customers".

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