By incorporating newly improved ion optics and collision cell technology, the LCMS-8040 provides higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity.
Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
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The LCMS-8040 was designed to provide significantly higher sensitivity while maintaining the high speed offered by the LCMS-8030. Ultrafast MRM transition speeds, up to 555 MRMs per second (dwell times of 1 msec and pause times of 1 msec) are achieved. In addition, the LCMS-8040 features the polarity switching at 15 msec and high speed scanning rate of 15,000 u/sec. By incorporating newly improved ion optics UF-Lens™ and UFsweeper™ II collision cell technology, the LCMS-8040 provides higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity. This higher sensitivity expands the potential range of LC/MS/MS applications.
Ultra-High Sensitivity
By incorporating newly improved ion optics and collision cell technology, the LCMS-8040 provides higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity. -
Blood plasma samples were spiked with verapamil and warfarin, and then protein precipitation was carried out according to the pretreatment flow indicated below.
LCMS-8040 Triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS
The LCMS-8040 features the polarity switching at 15 msec and high speed scanning rate of 15,000 u/sec. By incorporating newly improved ion optics UF-Lens™ and UFsweeper™ II collision cell technology, the LCMS-8040 provides higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity. This higher sensitivity expands the potential range of LC/MS/MS applications.
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