TMA-60 Series - Especificaciones

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Temperature range

Ambient to 1,000°C (for expansion measurement)
Ambient to 600°C (for tension and penetration measurement in an inert gas)
-150°C to 600°C (when using the LTB-60 cooling furnace)

Sample Dimensions: Diameter

8 mm x 20 mm max.

Sample Dimensions: Film

5 mm (W) x 1 mm (T) x 20 mm (L) max.(for tension measurement)

Load on Sample

0 N ±5 N


367 mm (W) x 624 mm (D) x 880 mm (H)


45 kg

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Temperature range

Ambient to 1,500°C

Sample Dimensions: Diameter

5 mm x 20 mm max.

Sample Dimensions: Film

5 mm (W) x 1 mm (T) x 20 mm (L) max.(for tension measurement)

Load on Sample

0 N ±5 N


367 mm (W) x 624 mm (D) x 880 mm (H)


45 kg

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Temperature range

Ambient to 1,000°C/1,500°C from -140°C with an optional adapter

Measurement range

Displacement : ±5 mm
Load : ±5 N

Sample size

ø8 × 20 mm, 5 × 1 × 20 mm (60 type)


Temperature range

Ambient to 1,000°C/1,500°C from -140°C with an optional adapter

Measurement range

Displacement : ±5 mm
Load : ±5 N

Sample size

ø8 × 20 mm, 5 × 1 × 20 mm (60 type)

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