Kratos AXIS Nova - Especificaciones

Imaging X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

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Image resolution

3 μm max.


(monochrome X-rays, 0.48 eV FWHM)
Macro analysis: 250 kcps
15 μm dia. analysis: 0.8 kcps


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

Spectroscopic performance is defined as counts per second for a FWHM measured for the Ag 3d5/2 component.
The AXIS Nova has exceptional large area (700 x 300 um) spectroscopy performance.
Selected area modes (diameter) 110 um, 55 um, 27 um and 15um.

XPS parallel imaging

Ultimate spatial resolution of parallel imaging mode is < 3 um.
Imaging fields of view are ca. 950 x 950 um, 425 x 425 um and 220 x 220 um.

Performance on insulators

The AXIS Nova has an electron only charge neutralisation system. Performance of the charge neutraliser system is confirmed on the standard polymer, polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Sample handling

Up to three large, 110 mm diameter sample platens can be introduced to the AXIS Nova at a time. Sample handling is fully automated.

Ion source

Minibeam 4 monatomic Ar+ ion source or Minibeam 6 multi-mode Gas Cluster Ion Source (GCIS) for sample cleaning and sputter depth profiling.

Kratos Analytical has a policy of continuous product improvement and therefore reserves the right to make alterations to specifications without notice. Please contact us to request the latest AXIS Nova specification sheet.

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