AXIS Supra+ - Especificaciones

    Imaging X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

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    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

    Spectroscopic performance is defined as counts per second for a FWHM measured for the Ag 3d5/2 component.
    The AXIS Supra+ has market leading large area (700 x 300 um) spectroscopy performance.
    Selected area modes (diameter) 110 um, 55 um, 27 um and 15um.

    XPS parallel imaging

    Ultimate spatial resolution of parallel imaging mode is 1 um.
    Imaging fields of view are ca. 400 x 400 um, 200 x 200 um and 80 x 80 um.

    Performance on insulators

    The AXIS Supra+ has an electron only charge neutralisation system. Performance of the charge neutraliser system is confirmed on the standard polymer, polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

    Sample handling

    5-axis, motorised precision manipulator integrated with fully automated sample exchange for up to 3 sample holders.

    Ion source

    Minibeam 4 monatomic Ar+ ion source or Minibeam 6 multi-mode Gas Cluster Ion Source (GCIS) for sample cleaning and sputter depth profiling.

    Kratos Analytical has a policy of continuous product improvement and therefore reserves the right to make alterations to specifications without notice. Please contact us to request the latest AXIS Supra+ specification sheet.

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