MCT Series - Características

Micro Compression Tester

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A New-Concept Compression Testing Machine for Evaluating the Strength of Micro Materials

A New-Concept Compression Testing Machine
for Evaluating the Strength of Micro Materials

1. Micro Compression Displacement Measurement

To enable evaluation of compression characteristics of various micro materials, the MCT series provides models with two different resolution and measurement ranges:

  • measurement range up to 100 μm and resolution of 0.001 μm.
  • measurement range up to 10 μm and resolution of 0.0001 μm.

2. Wide Load Range

The MCT series is available in two different test forces: maximum test forces of 4903 mN and 1961 mN.

3. Highly Accurate Measurement

Test force are applied at an accuracy of ±1% of the set or displayed test force, whichever is greater.

4. Measurement of Specimen Dimension Provided as Standard

The specimen dimension measurement function that uses an overhead image (provided as standard) enables determination of the geometrical mean diameter and length of the specimen.

5. Length Measurement on PC Screen and Saving of Images (optional)

Use the optional length measurement kit (color or monochrome) to display the overhead image on the PC screen to measure the length of the specimen.
The image can also be saved as digital data.

6. Display of Specimen Images During Compression(optional)

An image captured in side observation during compression can be displayed (the optional side observation kit is required).

7. Testing also Possible under High-Temperature Conditions (optional system)

Testing can be performed in temperature conditions ranging from 50 to 250°C.

MCT Series Features

Available Test Modes

  • Compression Testing: Force increases until either the sample ruptures or a preset load is achieved.
  • Load-Unload Testing: Force is increased to a preset max load point and then reduced to a preset minimum load point. By measuring the difference in displacement between the maximum and minimum point, the recovery rate percentage of the sample is calculable.
  • Cyclic Testing: Test force is repeatedly increased and decreased up to 250 times to evaluate specimen fatigue properties.

A Design with Simplicity in Mind

Micrometer (Optical Head)

The micrometer optical viewing head measures the size of the specimen, which is sandwiched by two indicators to enable measurement up to 200µm at an increment of 0.1µm (with a x50 objective lens).

Objective Lenses

The standard x50 and optional x100 lenses are used in conjunction with the micrometer optical head to provide length measurements.

Sliding Stage

A test point is selected with the micrometer optical head and that point is then shifted to just below the indenter. The click-stop mechanism ensures accurate positioning of the specimen. The positioning accuracy of the unit is within ±5µm (±0.2µm can be achieved with careful handling).

Vertical Stage Shift Handle

The stage shifts smoothly using a single handle.

Loading Unit

The test force range is from 9.8 to 4900mN or 1960mN. The electromagnetic method employed in the unit ensures high precision loading.

Instrument Status Indication Lamps

A lit red lamp (RUNNING) indicates the instrument is loading and should not be adjusted by the operator while a green lamp (READY) indicates that the operator can safely operate the indenter.

Compression Displacement Detector

The measurement detector provides dynamic compression displacement readings with a resolution as low as 0.001µm.


The following indenters are available:

  • 50µm diameter flat indenter (standard)
  • 500µm diameter flat indenter (optional)
  • 115° triangular pyramid indenter (optional) (The triangular pyramid indenter is used for tests where the specimen is larger than 500µm and cannot be broken at a test load of 4900mN.)

Lower Pressure Plate Vise

This ergonomically constructed vise firmly secures the lower pressure plate. The standard supplied micrometer is then used to adjust the stage over a range of 25mm in the X-Y directions at increments of 0.01mm. A digital micrometer is also available as an option.

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