SampleStation and AuraSolution

SampleStation and AuraSolution: Automated Analysis Software for MALDI-8020

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The SampleStation and AuraSolution software link to the MALDI Solutions MALDI-8020 control and analysis software to analyze samples automatically based on a worklist.


SampleStation and AuraSolution

Simple Workflow

The simple workflow and visible worklist provide a user interface that helps prevent errors.

SampleStation™: simplified sample organization for automated MALDI-MS

The SampleStation software has been designed to facilitate automated analysis on the latest Shimadzu MALDI-TOF MS instruments. Part of the MALDI Solutions™ suite of software, SampleStation allows users to create and manage sample worklists. These are saved in a centralized database which is accessible to multiple users of the system. The simple workflow and data security features make it an ideal solution for both regulated and non-regulated laboratory environments.


Key features:

- Security via individual user login and administrator control

- Flexibility: customizable worklist features to suit different applications

- Simple workflow and intuitive user interface

- Compatible with handheld barcode readers for scanning sample slides and sample vials

- Records chain of data responsibility

- Amenable to regulatory compliance

- Automatically updates worklists following sample analysis

- Can be used with both disposable and reusable FlexiMass™ slides

- Seamless integration with AuraSolution automated acquisition software via the MALDI Solutions database

SampleStation: process simplification, intuitive and secure

AuraSolution™: automated high-throughput MALDI-MS acquisition for regulated laboratories

AuraSolution is the second component in the automated MALDI-MS analysis solution provided by Shimadzu. Using sample worklists previously created with SampleStation, the AuraSolution software is used to automate data acquisition and to subsequently review results. The simple ‘scan, load and run’ workflow and data security features make it an ideal solution for both regulated environments and research laboratories.


Key features:

- Simple workflow – scan slide, load acquisition parameters and start run

- Utilizes the integrated instrument barcode reader (MALDI-8020) as the slides are loaded into the instrument

- Facilitates regulatory compliance through enhanced data security features

- Option of using both disposable and reusable FlexiMass slides

- Fully compatible with the MALDI-8020 mass spectrometer

- Seamless relationship with SampleStation software via the MALDI Solutions database

- Automatically export data as ASCII / mzML formats

AuraSolution: confidence during analysis

Data analysis and review


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