QC Reporter

QC Reporter™: mass confirmation and quality assessment

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QC Reporter

Automated QC Analysis Software for MALDI-8020

QC Reporter™: mass confirmation and quality assessment with confidence Within a given manufacturing process, quality control (QC) plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the supply of a high quality product. QC Reporter is an automated analysis and reporting software solution for QC environments. Compatible with the MALDI-8020 benchtop linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, this software provides a simple and secure platform for typical QC workflows.



QC Reporter

QC Reporter is a fully automated software application designed for high-throughput quality control analysis using MALDI-TOF MS. The acquisition, calibration, processing, quality assessment and reporting processes are performed automatically within a single platform and a simple, intuitive workflow design. Using QC Reporter, a typical QC experiment can be performed with a few simple steps:

• Defining the acquisition and quality assessment criteria settings
• Importing samples for analysis using a predefined sample worklist
• Viewing and/or exporting the results

The quality criteria (detection of the target mass and amount of permitted adducts/impurities) are applied on the fly for each acquired sample and are presented in a colour-coded manner providing an at a glance summary for easy reading. The option to subsequently export a summary of the entire experiment or to generate individual sample reports provides the user with options for different workflows.

Key features:

- Security via individual user login and Administrator control of user roles and permissions

- Flexibility:
applicable to different applications (peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides and small molecules)

- Fully compatible with the MALDI-8020 mass spectrometer

- Simple operation:
set the acquisition and criteria parameter sets, run the samples and view the results

- Intuitive user-interface:
colour-coded results providing an at a glance summary of the QC experiment. Review individual results via the interactive slide graphic

- Comprehensive reporting:
all relevant information is presented in exportable sample reports

- Seamless relationship with MALDI Solutions Data Acquisition software via the MALDI Solutions database

QC Reporter and MALDI Solutions are trademarks of Kratos Analytical Ltd.

Simple Workflow

Intuitive user interface and automatic acquisition improve work efficiency.


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