Shim-pack Scepter LC Columns - Características

HPLC Column

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Eight stationary phases and 3 column hardware types for extensive sample coverage

Shim-pack Scepter Chemistries

Shim-pack Scepter Reveresd Phase HILIC
C18-120 C18-300 HD-C18-80 C8-120 C4-300 Phenyl PFPP Diol-HILIC
Ligand Type Trifunctional C18 Trifunctional C18 Trifunctional C18 Trifunctional C8 Trifunctional C4 Trifunctional
General Purpose General Purpose for Large Molecules High Density Type for Increased Retention
Particle Organic Silica Hybrid
Particle Size 1.9 μm, 3 μm, 5 μm
Pore Size 12 nm (120Å) 30 nm (300Å) 8 nm (80Å) 12 nm (120Å) 30 nm (200Å) 12 nm (120Å)
End Capping Proprietary None
Carbon% 20 N.D. 25 17 N.D. 17 15 12
pH Range 1 - 12 1 - 10 1 - 8 2 - 10
100 % Aqueous Condition YES YES × × YES YES YES
USP Classification L1 L1 L1 L7 L26 L11 L43 L20


Shim-pack Scepter Column Hardware

  Scepter Scepter Claris Scepter [metal-free]
Scepter Claris
Scepter [metal-free]
Wetted materials for body Stainless steel Bioinert coating PEEK
Wetted materials for frit Stainless steel Bioinert coating PEEK




Utilize excellent stability & performance under a wide range of LC conditions

With excellent stability under a wide range of LC conditions, Shim-pack Scepter LC columns are effective for method scouting combining mobile phase pH and organic modifier.

【 Comparison of Chromatograms using Gradient condition with Acetonitrile 】

  C18 HD-C18 C8 Phenyl PFPP
Outside of
recommended pH


1. Saccharin (pKa = 2.2)

2. Dextromethorphan (pKa = 8.3)

3. Amitriptyline (pKa = 9.4)

4. N-Butyl paraben (pKa = 8.3)

5. Ibupurofen (pKa = 4.4)

Superior Sensitivity and Separation Performance in metal-coordinating compounds

Shim-pack Scepter Claris

Shim-pack Scepter Claris

Shim-pack Scepter Claris features a column body with a newly-developed bioinert coating packed with Scepter series stationary phases.

  • Bioinert coating is applied to the column body and stainless steel frit.
  • Ideal for analysis of metal-coordinating and hydrophobically adsorbing compounds such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids
  • Outstanding pH and lifetime stability due to Scepter organic silica hybrid packing

Superior Sensitivity and Separation Performance in Nucleic Acid Analysis

Shim-pack Scepter Claris C18-120 with the bioinert coating and Scepter C18-120 with traditional stainless steel hardware were compared in this example of analysis of synthetic oligonucleotide. Results from Claris were highly sensitive and reproducible from the first injection, with no loss of sample signal. Scepter C18-120 in a stainless steel column body produced low sensitivity results and showed adsorption from the first sample injection.


Shim-pack Scepter Claris C18-120

Wide-pore reversed-phase column optimized for analysis of middle-molecular-weight compounds and proteins

Shim-pack Scepter C18-300, C4-300

  • Shim-pack Scepter C18-300 and C4-300 are wide-pore organic silica hybrid reversed phase columns recommended for the separation of proteins such as monoclonal antibodies and mid-sized molecules such as oligonucleic acids and peptides that may not be retained on 100-120Å pore size columns due to size-exclusion effects. The organic silica hybrid base material is highly stable even at high temperatures under acidic and basic mobile phase conditions. Pore sizes are optimized for large molecular weight compounds and dispersed uniformly in the column, resulting in symmetrical peak shapes and increased resolution of antibodies and nucleic acids compared to a smaller pore size column. Shim-pack Scepter C18-300 and C4-300 are also effective for high-sensitivity LC/MS analysis, producing good peak shapes even under weak ionpairing conditions using a formic acid mobile phase.
  •   C18-300 C4-300
    Ligand Type Trifunctional C18 Trifunctional C4
    Generic Purpose Type Generic Purpose Type
    Particle Size 1.9, 3, 5 μm
    Pore Size 300Å
    End Capping Proprietary
    pH Range 1-12
    100% aqueous condition YES
    USP Classification L1 L26

Peptide Analysis Example

Shim-pack Scepter C18-300 and C4-300 made with 300 Å (30 nm) pore size packing material. The larger pore size is recommended for the analysis of mid-sized and large-sized molecules with molecular weights above 5000 to enable retention and avoid size-exclusion effects. This analysis of a mixed sample of four different peptides and proteins demonstrated good peak shapes and favorable separation of insulin and ribonuclease A due to the pore size that was large enough to allow proper diffusion of these large molecular weight compounds.

Peptide Analysis Example