Shim-pack IC Series

    HPLC Column

    Agregar marcador

    Ion chromatography (IC) is used for analysis of inorganic and organic ions. It is categorized as suppressor IC and non-suppressor IC. Non-suppressor IC is composed of a conventional HPLC system combined with a conductivity detector, while suppressor IC requires an extra suppressor.

    Non-Suppressor Type Anion Analysis Shim-pack IC-A1 Capable of analyzing inorganic anions. Compatible with acid or basic mobile phases of wide pH range.
    Shim-pack IC-A3 Provides outstanding separation efficiency in the analysis of inorganic anions and acid ions, especially when weakly acid mobile phase is used.
    Cation Analysis Shim-pack IC-C1 Capable of analyzing cations such as alkaline metal ions, alkali earth metal ions, transition metal ions, rare earth metal ions, and alkyl amines.
    Shim-pack IC-C4 Capable of simultaneous analysis of alkali metal ions and alkaline earth metal ions. Enhances the separation of sodium and ammonium ions.
    Suppressor Type Anion Analysis Shim-pack IC-SA2 Capable of determining fluoride ions, chloride ions, nitrite ions, bromide ions, nitrate ions, phosphate ions and sulfuric acid ions.
    Shim-pack IC-SA3 Provides high-resolution performance when analyzing fluoride ions, chloride ions, nitrous acid ions, bromide ions, nitric acid ions, phosphate ions and sulfuric acid ions as well as chlorous acid ions, chloric acid ions and bromic acid ions.

    Product Information

    Column Stationary phase Particle Size (µm) Dimensions (I.D. x Length, mm) P/N Guard Column
    Shim-pack IC-A1 Quaternary ammonium group 12.5 4.6 x 100 228-17733-91 228-17734-91
    Shim-pack IC-A3 Quaternary ammonium group 5 4.6 x 150 228-31076-91 228-31076-92
    Shim-pack IC-A3 (S) *1 Quaternary ammonium group 5 2.0 x 150 228-33366-91
    Shim-pack IC-C1 *2 Sulfone group 10 5.0 x 150 228-17737-91 228-17738-91
    Shim-pack IC-C1 PEEK Sulfone group 10 4.6 x 100 228-33497-91 228-33497-92
    Shim-pack IC-C4 Carboxyl group 7 4.6 x 150 228-41616-91 228-59900-91
    (Cartridge + Holder)
    (Cartridge only)
    Shim-pack IC-SA2 Quaternary ammonium group / 4.0 x 250 228-38983-91 228-38983-92
    Shim-pack IC-SA3 Quaternary ammonium group / 4.0 x 250 228-41600-91 228-41600-92

    *1 Shim-pack IC(S) series are for semi-micro LC. PIA-1000 is required. *2 During the analysis of alkali metal ions with the Shim-pack IC-C1, it is recommended to use a pre-column Shim-pack IC-PC1 (P/N:228-17744-91) installed between the liquid pump and the sample injector.


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