Shim-pack FC ODS - Características

HPLC Column

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Analysis Examples

Shim-pack FC-ODS separates components by hydrophobic interaction like other ODS columns. It is possible to change to Shim-pack FC-ODS from other ODS columns under the same analytical conditions. On the other hand, hydrophilic interaction (hydrogen bond, coordination bond) has been restricted to a minimum, which ensures significant efficiency when analyzing basic compounds. In addition, Shim-pack FC-ODS has higher steric selectivity (capability to recognize the difference of steric structures), making it possible to separate some components that are difficult to retain in other ODS columns.
Shim-pack FC-ODS is available in three lengths to suit analysis objectives.

■ 30mm

Recommended for use in high-throughput analysis of samples that do not have a complex matrix.

■ 75mm

Recommended for shortening the analysis time to that of a 150 mm column. Because Shim-pack FC-ODS retains a similar number of theoretical plates as a 150 mm column, it is possible to obtain the same result within about half of the time without changing the conditions. (In the case of gradient analysis, it is necessary to change the concentration.)

■ 150mm

Recommended for analyzing samples that are difficult to be retained in other 150 mm ODS columns.

High-Throughput Analysis

10 times repeated analysis in 6.5 minutes is possible.

Shortens the analysis time using a conventional system

High Speed Analysis of 2,4-DNPH derivatized aldehydes / ketones

Chromatograms of Environmental Air (A)
and Indoor Air at Laboratory (B)


  Shim-pack FC-ODS
 Particle Size  3 µm
 Pore Size  12 nm
 Surface Area  315 m2/g
 Carbon Loading  18%
 Pressure Tolerance  20 MPa
 Pore Volume  1 mL/g
 End-capping  Yes
 Bonding Type  Monomeric
 pH range  1.5-9
 USP Code  L1