Ghost Trap DS - Aplicaciones

Mobile phase cleaner for HPLC

Agregar marcador

Consistently traps impurities, even in organic solvents

A major feature of the Ghost Trap DS is the ability to remove impurities even in organic solvents. When the Ghost Trap DS is installed between the gradient mixer and autosampler in reversed phase gradient analysis, it can trap impurities from the piping and gradient mixer in addition to those from the mobile phase.

The example below shows that it can effectively trap impurities in mobile phase, when the Ghost Trap DS is installed just downstream of the gradient mixer as displayed in the figure on the right.

Column ODS column
Mobile phase A: 25 mmol/L Phosphate (Potassium) buffer solution pH 4.0 /Acetonitrile =9/1
B: Water/Acetonitrile = 1/9
Flow rate 0.65 mL/min
Oven 45 ºC
Detection UV 210 nm
   Example of removing ghost peaks by Ghost Trap DS (The data is provided by Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.)

Application to Quantitative Analysis of Impurities Using the Nexera UHPLC

Quantitation of a small peak covered by ghost peaks can be difficult. Effective for the quantitative analysis of impurities, the Ghost Trap DS/DS-HP effectively eliminates such ghost peaks to ensure highly accurate quantitation, even with very small target component peaks.

Analytical conditions

Mobile phase A 5 mmol/L phosphoric acid (sodium) buffer solution (pH 2.6)
Mobile phase B 5 mmol/L phosphoric acid (sodium) buffer solution (pH 2.6) / Acetonitrile = 1/3
Gradient 0.1 % (0 min) → 20 % (10 min) → 60 % (15 min) → 95 % (20 min)
Flow rate 0.5 mL/min
Detection UV245 nm
Injection volume 2 μL
Column Shim-pack XR-ODSⅢ 75 mmL. x 2.0 mmI.D., 1.6 μm

When the Ghost Trap DS/DS-HP is not used, quantitation of an impurity peak is
difficult due to the effects of ghost peaks. The Ghost Trap DS/DS-HP effectively
eliminates the ghost peaks to allow quantitation of the target component.