Shim-pack GISS Series - Características

HPLC Column Solutions

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Column Chemistries

  Shim-pack GISS C18
Bonded Phase Octadecyl Groups
Analysis Mode Reversed Phase
Features High-speed analysis with ultra-high inertness and high durability
Particle Size (μm) 1.9, 3, 5
Pore Size (nm) 20
Surface Area (m2/g)
Carbon Loading (%) 9
End Cap
pH Range 1-10
USP Code L1

A highly inert packing material reduces adsorption of basic compounds such as hypertensive drugs and provides good peak shape.

A highly inert packing material reduces adsorption of basic compounds such as hypertensive drugs and provides good peak shape.


A highly inert packing material reduces adsorption of basic compounds such as hypertensive drugs and provides good peak shape.


The pore size of 200Å enables good separation of complex and large molecular weight samples such as digested peptides.

High-speed analysis with ultra-high inertness and high durability

Analysis Examples


Peaks (100 μg/L each)

   Q1 > Q3
 1. Acebutolol  337.10 > 116.05 (+)
 2. Atenolol  267.25 > 145.00 (+)
 3. Labetalol  329.00 > 161.95 (+)
 4. Nadolol  310.05 > 254.00 (+)
 5. Pindolol  249.80 > 116.00 (+)



 Column  Shim-pack GISS C18 (50 mmL x 2.1 mmI.D., 1.9 μm)
 Eluent  A) 10 mM Ammonium Formate in H2O
 B) 10 mM Ammonium Formate in CH3OH
 A/B = 70/30 ‒ 0.3min - 40/60 ‒ 0.5min - 0/100 ‒ 0.1min ‒ 0/100 ‒ 0.01min -70/30 ‒ 0.5min - 70/30, v/v
 Flow Rate  0.6 mL/min
 Col. Temp.  40 °C
 Detection  LC/MS/MS(ESI, Positive, Negative MRM)
metal-free Available
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