LCMS-9030 - Opciones

Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

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Ionization Units

In addition to the standard ESI ionization unit, optional APCI and Dual Ion Source (DUIS) probes are available for the LCMS-9030 to meet various analytical needs. Shimadzu's DUIS offers an efficient combination of ESI and APCI ionization capabilities.

  Calibrant Delivery System (CDS)

The CDS allows calibration standards to be introduced via a separate ionization probe that functions independently from the main probe. This optional sub-ionization unit is installed in the main probe housing and is available for all probe types (ESI/APCI/DUIS). By having two probes in one system, high-concentration calibration standards can be introduced only when needed without switching flow lines, and are kept in isolation from the sample stream, eliminating contamination.

  Micro-ESI 9030 Micro-flow Ionization Unit

Shimadzu’s Nexera Mikros microflow system combines the sensitivity improvements you expect from a low-flow system with the ruggedness of HPLC. Designed for optimal sensitivity and ease of use, the Micro-ESI 9030 interface brings microflow analysis to the Q-TOF. Ionization efficiency and transfer have been maximized by the probe design, resulting in high sensitivity, stable operation, and minimal contamination. To minimize dead volume and diffusion, the Nexera Mikros features an innovative snap-in column locking system, the UF-Link™, allowing any user to correctly install a microflow column without disrupting the ESI spray needle position. Realize the benefits of microflow while enjoying the reliability of HPLC.



Nexera Mikros & Micro-ESI 9030 System

View from the Top of the Instrument

Imaging Mass Microscope

iMScopeTM QT

The iMScope QT boasts not only fusion with morphology studies but also excellent speed, sensitivity, and spatial resolution, clearing the way to next-generation mass spectrometry imaging.

LabSolutions Insight Explore

  Software for Both Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

LabSolutions Insight Explore supports multi-sample, multi-component quantitative analysis as well as MS/MS library searches, structural analysis, formula prediction and charge state deconvolution, maximizing the potential of the High-resolution accurate mass data produced by the Q-TOF.

Software for Both Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis


  Structural Analysis Tool “Assign”

Compounds with the same chemical composition cannot be distinguished using MS chromatograms even when using high-resolution accurate mass data. Such substances can be identified with confidence by combining library searching and structural analysis using Assign. In the example below, MBDB and MDEA both have the chemical formula “C12H17NO2” (m/z 208.1332).

Structural Analysis Tool “Assign”


Structural Analysis of MBDB


  Component Detection Tool “Analyze”

Component detection tool “Analyze” can be used to identify unknown components in a sample. The results can then be processed using other Explore tools to yield chemical formulae and structural information.

Analyze Sample to Detect Components


  Multivalent Ion Analysis (Deconvolution)

For the deconvolution of multiple charge state envelopes produced by large molecules, such as proteins and oligonucleotides, LabSolutions Insight Explore CSD includes ReSpect™. This multivalent ion analysis algorithm from Positive Probability Ltd detects related multi-charged peaks and calculates the mass of the original species. Excellent mass accuracy was obtained in the example below.

  Impurity Detection using UV/PDA Chromatograms

Using UV/PDA chromatograms alongside MS chromatograms allows for detection of impurities more reliably. MS and MS/MS spectra corresponding to the UV/PDA peaks can be extracted for further processing such as formula prediction and fragment analysis.

Impurity Detection using UV/PDA Chromatograms


LCMS, UF-Qarray, UF-Lens, UFsweeper, UFaccumulation, UFgrating, UF-FlightTube, iRefTOF, DUIS, UF-Link and LabSolutions Insight are trademarks of Shimadzu Corporation.

LC-MS Consumables

LC-MS Software

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