Microchip Electrophoresis System for DNA/RNA Analysis MCE™-202 MultiNA

    Microchip Electrophoresis

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    <Important Notice for Customers Using MultiNA>
    Notice Concerning Procurement of "25 bp DNA Ladder" for DNA-500 Kit pdf (184 KB)

    This system is used to analyze the size of DNA/RNA samples, with convenientanalytical operability. It achieves analysis costs on par with agarose gel electrophoresis, and can perform fully automatic analyses of up to 108 samples. Using optimized reagent kits (four types for DNA analysis and one type for RNA analysis), the system achieves a high resolution and high sensitivity. It can significantly improve the workflow for mutation checks in genome editing, and genotype determination.

    Simplifies Gel Electrophoresis Quick Setup, Great Results

    1. No gel creation required and automated analysis of up to 108 loaded samples.
    2. High repeatability of predicted size values.
    3. High-sensitivity detection without the use of ethidium bromide.
    4. Viewer allows parallel display of analysis data from different times and dates.


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