Shimadzu GC Driver for Chromeleon™ 7 - Especificaciones

Shimadzu GC Driver

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Product Lineup

Description Versions with Functionality Verified
Shimadzu GC Driver for Chromeleon 7 Chromeleon 7.2 SR1 - SR5 / 7.2.8 / 7.2.9 / 7.2.10 / 7.3

Note: This product supports Nexis GC-2030 and HS-20 (NX)/HS-10 system control and HS-20 (NX) standalone control.
          GC-2010 (Plus/Pro) and GC-2014 (C) can be controlled using the Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. driver provided with Chromeleon 7.

Nexis GC-2030

The Shimadzu GC Driver for Chromeleon 7 supports control of the following units.
GC Unit : Nexis GC-2030
Options : AOC-30i, AOC-20i (Plus) autoinjector, AOC-20s (U) autosampler, HS-20 (NX)/HS-10 headspace sampler, dual injection system

Controllable Hardware

Sample injector

SPL-2030, WBI-2030, OCI-2030(NX), PTV-2030, SINJ-2030


FID-2030, TCD-2030, ECD-2010 Exceed, FPD-2030, FTD-2030, BID-2030, SCD-2030, PTCD-2030

Advanced flow technology

Backflush, detector splitting, detector switching, heart-cut system

Additional temperature controller

Auxiliary temperature control unit

Additional flow controller

APC (3 auxiliary channels), APC (1 auxiliary channel)


Gas Selector
Low-temperature control solenoid valve set: CRG-2030
External equipment control relay: PRG-2010 Plus, PRG Box

Note: * Up to six Shimadzu GC units can be controlled from a single instrument server.
* It is not recommended to connect other vendor instruments to the same instrument server.

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GC-2010(Plus/Pro) , GC-2014(C)

The following unit controls are included in Chromeleon Software.
The HS-20 (NX) headspace sampler can be controlled by using the Shimadzu GC Driver for Chromeleon 7.
GC Unit : GC-2010 (Plus/Pro) and GC-2014 (C)
Options : HS-20 (NX) headspace sampler, AOC-20i (Plus) autoinjector, AOC-20s (U) autosampler

Controllable Hardware

Sample injection port

GC-2010 (Plus/Pro) : SPL-2010 (Plus), OCI / PTV-2010 (Plus)
GC-2014 (C) : SPL-2014, DINJ-2014


GC-2010 (Plus/Pro) : FID-2010 (Plus), TCD-2010 (Plus), ECD-2010 (Plus), FPD-2010 (Plus), FTD-2010 (Plus)
GC-2014 (C) : DFID-2014, SFID-2014, TCD-2014, ECD-2014

Additional flow controller

GC-2010 (Plus/Pro): APC (3 auxiliary channels)

Low-temperature oven controller

GC-2010 (Plus/Pro) : CRG-2010 low-temperature control solenoid valve unit

Note: * Up to six Shimadzu GC units can be controlled from a single instrument server.
* It is not recommended to connect other vendor instruments to the same instrument server.

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