ICPMS-2030 - Aplicaciones

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

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Environmental, Drinking Water, and Wastewater Analysis

Natural resources such as rivers, oceans, and soil are limited and we all share an obligation to preserve them for our future generations. In the world we live in today, we continue to place a burden on those resources through such practices as industrial manufacturing. It is essential that we preserve and protect our environment and our resources through reuse, recycling resources and reducing pollution. These can only be accomplished through monitoring by conducting massive amounts of measurements. To this end, Shimadzu provides a simple and accurate means of measuring samples so that recycling processes and manufacturing processes can be managed properly and responsibly.

Analytical Results of River Water

Element Japanese Water Supply Act Standard
EPA Max. Limit Value for Drinking Water
Al 200 200 0.009 16 15±1 66.9 66±1
As 10   0.003 0.20 0.20±0.01 5.29 5.2±0.1
B 1000   0.2 8.52 8.2±0.3 58.0 59±1
Ba 700** 2000 0.001 0.55 0.53±0.01 0.55 0.52±0.01
Cd 3 5 0.006 0.0018 0.0018(Reference value) 0.991 1.00±0.02
Cr6+ 50 100 0.07 0.17 0.16±0.01 10.0 10.0±0.2
Cu 1000 1300 0.09 0.4 0.37±0.03 10.0 9.9±0.1
Fe 300 300 0.01 6.5 6.4±0.2 58.5 58±1
Mn 50 50*** 0.01 0.21 0.20±0.01 5.3 5.1±0.1
Mo 70**   0.004 0.30 0.290±0.004 0.30 0.290±0.004
Ni 10*   0.009     9.63 9.5±0.3
Pb 10 15 0.0005 0.005 0.007(Reference value) 9.68 9.9±0.2
Se     0.07 0.2 0.08(Reference value) 4.95 5.0±0.2
Zn 1000 5000*** 0.02 0.17 0.17±0.04 10.5 9.8±0.2
K     - 0.48 0.47±0.02 0.48 0.48±0.02
Na 200   - 4.53 4.34±0.07 4.47 4.32±0.07
Mg Hardness
  - 3.37 3.34±0.07 3.34 3.32±0.06
Ca 250*** - 13.2 13.0±0.2 13.1 13.0±0.1

*: Target setting item, **: Required test item, ***: National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations



Many of the pharmaceuticals, food products, and other products we encounter can contain harmful elements, either introduced from natural sources or artificially through manufacturing processes. ICP-MS systems are able to quickly measure harmful elements with high sensitivity, making them ideal for monitoring such substances and ensuring the safety and security of pharmaceuticals, foods, and other products. Additionally, pharmaceuticals must satisfy the allowable limits specified by ICH Q3D guidelines, where the measurement methods used are specified in the pharmacopoeia of respective countries. The system must also be compliant with quality control standards specified by the FDA and Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Analytical Results of Tablet

Element Oral Drug,
PDE μg/day
Max. Allowable Concentration μg/g Measurement Value in Tablet μg/g Equivalent Tablet Dose
Recovery Rate %
Cd 5 0.5 N.D. 0.003 96
Pb 5 0.5 0.003 0.001 105
As 15 1.5 N.D. 0.002 101
Hg 30 3 N.D. 0.006 100
Co 50 5 N.D. 0.0006 101
V 100 10 N.D. 0.002 100
Ni 200 20 0.156 0.003 101
Tl 8 0.8 N.D. 0.0005 103
Au 100 10 N.D. 0.001 91
Pd 100 10 N.D. 0.006 104

Food Products/Agriculture

We rely on foods to provide necessary elements and minerals required for supporting life. However, if food contains hazardous elements, they can be harmful to our health. Therefore, analyzing food has become increasingly important in recent years for ensuring the safety of food. One example of this is powdered infant formula which is made with a healthy balance of minerals necessary for infant growth. Regulatory requirements specify the amounts of calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and other essential minerals and while limiting hazardous elements like arsenic (As), which has detrimental effects on child development. The ICP-MS is able to quickly measure a wide variety of elements in powdered milk products and other foods, including raw ingredient and finished products.

Analytical Results of Powdered Milk

Element Analytical Value
(in the powder)
NMIJ Certification
Expanded Measurement
Recovery Rate
Mn 0.91 0.931 0.032 -
Mo 0.23 0.223 0.012 -
Sr 5.7 5.88 0.2 -
Zn 41 41.3 1.4 -
Cd <0.005 - - 100
Cr <0.06 - - 101
Pb <0.03 - - 100
As <0.03 - - 108