EDX-LE - Características

Energy dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer

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Exceptional labor-saving, high-speed screening

Offers functions dedicated to screening five RoHS-controlled elements plus chlorine

Typical functions requiring an EDX specialist are automated and therefore samples can be analyzed by a novice. The EDX-LE permits high-speed screening of five RoHS-controlled elements plus chlorine (as an option). EDX-LE takes just 1 minute from the start of measurement to results evaluation (depending on the sample).
In addition to the high-speed screening, it maintains a high level of analysis reliability.

Easy, highly accurate screening

Start measurements just 15 minutes after turning on the power.
Measurement stops immediately after the target elements have been evaluated to save time, while ensuring highly sensitive and reliable analysis. Simple single-point calibration curves are registered in the instrument to allow quantification without the need for standard samples.

The analysis of a plastic (PVC cable insulation) is shown below. The OK, NG, gray-zone evaluation with respect to the control values is easily obtained.
* The control values in the results below are set to the maximum permitted concentrations under the RoHS Directive.

Reduced running costs, easier maintenance

Receiving inspections and other screening for pass/fail evaluation of the harmful element content against control value standards in numerous products require higher operation efficiency and lower running costs in the workplace.? EDX-LE meets all these requirements.

Detector requires no liquid nitrogen

Automatic Aging

As the detector requires no cooling by liquid nitrogen, running costs are significantly reduced.

X-ray tube automatic aging
Aging to extend the service life of the X-ray tube is an essential instrument management process. X-ray tube aging is performed automatically when the instrument is restarted after a long period. This improves operation and prevents breakdowns.

Pre-measurement instrument checks

Instrument Check Window

Instrument calibration is required to obtain stable analysis results. However, the calibration operations and evaluation should be as quick as possible. EDX-LE supports an energy check and quantitation value check on start-up. Calibration is performed automatically, if required.

Easily customize screening to suit your control system

As it may be necessary to change control values on a daily basis according to the product, the screening conditions can be easily changed to suit the control system. Efficient operations from the start of analysis to report creation are possible.
Software access restrictions prevent inadvertent changes to screening conditions by people without the authority to change the conditions.

Easy screening setup

A threshold value can be set for each material and element. The screening evaluation method can be changed according to how the threshold value is entered. The lower limit of the threshold value can be observed for each material as an aid to setting the threshold value.

The method of displaying the evaluation results in the report (OK, gray-zone, NG) can be customized.

The report style can also be set. A template supplied as standard with the instrument can be selected.

Condition protection

A password can be set to restrict changes to the screening conditions and preferences, enhancing the security of software operation.

Easily carry out difficult tasks

The [Screening Analysis] window makes operation easy

Simple procedures ensure worry-free operation, even for first-time users

Start sample measurement from [Screening Analysis], using simple steps. Measurement condition selection, which typically relies on the judgment of the experimenter, is determined automatically.

1st Step

Place the Sample

Place the Sample

  • After placement, the sample observation camera observes the sample and confirms the sample's analysis position.
  • Set the analysis area to 3 mm, 5 mm, or 10 mm diameter.
  • Close the sample chamber.


2nd Step

Select Analysis Conditions/ Enter Sample Name

Select Analysis Conditions/ Enter Sample Name

  • The [Measurement Preparation] window displays the current sample image. Use this window to select analysis conditions and enter a sample name.
  • Start measurement with a single click.


3rd Step

Display of Analysis Result

Display of Analysis Result

  • After measurements are completed, [Pass/Fail Judgment], [Concentration], and [3σ(Measurement Variance)] are displayed for all 5 elements in an easy-to-understand layout.
  • Display the [Result List] and [Individual Report] with a single mouse click.


Fully automatic, from determining main components to selecting conditions

A single click in the [Screening Analysis] window automatically performs everything from measurement to the display of results, in accordance with your pre-registered analysis conditions.

Automatic Calibration Curve Selection Function

Automatic Calibration Curve Selection Function

All necessary functions are provided

All in one: equipped with all required RoHS/ELV analysis functions

EDX-LE standard equipment includes all the functions required for RoHS/ELV analysis, providing users with the optimal RoHS/ELV analysis system, without needing special options.

Sample Observation Function

When measuring foreign substances and samples with multiple parts, the sample observation camera allows analysis position to be easily specified by checking the camera image. If the sample is small or if specific locations on the sample are being measured, the collimator can be used to change the Xray exposure region to 1 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm, or 10 mm diameter.

Sample Observation Function

Shape Correction Function

X-ray intensity differs with the shape and thickness of samples, even if they contain the same material, and will have an impact on quantitative values. EDX-LE utilizes a BG internal standard method to eliminate the effect of shape and thickness in order to provide highly precise results. *BG internal standards method: Fluorescent X-ray intensity of each element is standardized using scattered X-ray intensity.

Shape Correction Function

Organize measurement results in a list

List Creation Function

List Creation Function

List stored data in Excel format.

Large Sample Chamber enables as-is measurement of large samples

Contrary to its compact-sized body, the EDX can accommodate larger samples than one would imagine, up to W 370 mm x D 321 mm x H 155 mm.

Large Sample Chamber

RoHS, Halogen, Antimony Compatible EDX-LE Check Sample

Enables Antimony Screening in Addition to RoHS/ELV and Halogen Screening

  • No hardware modification or software installation required*
  • Simply exchange check sample
  • Allows measurement of all 7 elements including those specified by the RoHS directive, Halogen regulation and Antimony (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Br, Cl, and Sb) using the same analytical conditions


Requires a Shimadzu service engineer to reconfigure software settings and confirm performance during initial setup

Material Polyethylene resin
Size 48 mmø
Thickness 5 mm
Elements Added Sb, Cl, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Br

Antimony Screening Can Be Conducted Simultaneously

The same analytical conditions can be used to measure all 7 elements specified by the RoHS directive, halogen regulation and Antimony (Sb, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Br, and Cl).

Additional Function Kit for the EDX-LE

Add general analysis functions to the EDX-LE RoHS/ELV screening model.

Features available after installing the kit:

  1. Elements not subject to RoHS/ELV regulations can be identified and quantitated.
  2. Detailed measurement and analysis conditions can be created according to the application.
  3. Film FP method allows analysis of multilayer film thickness, composition, and deposit volume.
  4. Matching functions offer metal type identification and product identification.


Example of Measurements Using the Additional Function Kit

Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis

Thin Film Analysis

Matching (steel type identification, product identification)

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