User interviews

Celebrating 50 Years of MS Innovation

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On the occasion of Shimadzu's 50th year of producing mass spectrometry instruments, we talk to researchers using Shimadzu MS instruments in their daily work and ask about their expectations for Shimadzu and the future of MS technology.

User Interview Index

Sreenivas Neerukonda

December 2020

Sreenivas Neerukonda
Executive Director
Vimta Labs Ltd., India

Our field of activity is contract research and testing for life sciences industries including pharma, biotech, nutraceuticals, environmental sciences, food&agri testing, and diagnostics. ...

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Dr. Horacio Heinzen

December 2020

Swati Guttikar
Head, Lab Operations, Bioanalytical Research,
Veeda Clinical Research Pvt Ltd., India

Our main field of research is bioanalysis where we perform analysis of the human plasma samples generated during clinical studies conducted on healthy volunteers and patients. ...

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Dr. Horacio Heinzen

November 2020

Dr. Horacio Heinzen
Faculty of Chemistry
Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay

Gas chromatographs coupled with specific detectors allowed us to start investigations in an area absolutely new in Uruguay. At that time, it was still new because the scope of the use of...

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Guo Yinlong, Ph.D.

November 2020

Guo Yinlong, Ph.D.
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Our research focusses on the capture and detection of organic reaction intermediates. We have developed a series of new atmospheric pressure ionization technologies, as well as systematic analysis methods and new MS detection methods in the fields of food safety, public safety and pharmaceutical research. ...

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George W. Hime, MS

October 2020

George W. Hime, MS
Assistant Director of Toxicology
Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Dept., Toxicology Laboratory, USA

We are an active laboratory serving the Medical Examiner in the investigations of deaths. Our interest is in the development of new testing methodology using advanced mass spectrometry techniques, ...

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Prof. Jose Luiz Costa

September 2020

Prof. Jose Luiz Costa
Professor of Toxicology, University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Head of Campinas Poison Control Center, University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil)

My research is focused on analytical toxicology, mainly method development for forensic and clinical toxicology. My research group is working on microextraction techniques for sample preparation ...

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Prof. Xu Guowang

August 2020

Prof. Xu Guowang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences

We are carrying out research on analytical and separation methods, looking deeply into complex samples in fields such as life science, serious diseases, modernization of Chinese medicine ...

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Guenter Allmaier PhD., Full professor of Analytical Chemistry

July 2020

Guenter Allmaier PhD., Full professor of Analytical ChemistryInstitute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria

My main field of research is mass spectrometry with a focus on MALDI and ESI, ES differential mobility analysis and capillary/2-dimensional planar electrophoresis applied to biomolecules, ...

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Prabodh Satyal, PhD.

June 2020

Prabodh Satyal, PhD.
Chief Scientific Officer & Owner, Aromatic Plant Research Center, USA

My laboratory has been mainly focused on researching essential oils and aromatic plants. We look at solvent residue, pesticide residue, and mycotoxins, and carry out potency testing, adulteration testing, and full profiles of natural extracts and essential oils. ...

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Shuichi Shimma

June 2020

Shuichi Shimma
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan

My research field is in MS imaging (MSI). MSI is a technology which allows ion intensity mapping of a specimen. The surface of a small segment of the specimen is treated with a matrix and ...

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Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Erich Leitner

May 2020

Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Erich Leitner
Head of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Graz University of Technology

My whole research career is dedicated to gas-chromatography-based methods. I started almost forty years ago with environmental analysis, mainly in the field of dioxin analysis. ...

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Wang Guangji

May 2020

Prof. Wang Guangji
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Former deputy head of the China Pharmaceutical University

My research is in pharmacokinetics, mainly focussing on the dynamics of Chinese and Western medicines as well as protein and polypeptide drugs inside the body. ...

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Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D.

April 2020

Ruth Gordillo, Ph.D.
Director, Metabolic Phenotyping Core, Touchstone Diabetes Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA.

The Touchstone Diabetes Center is devoted to the study of the cells and tissues that are either contributing to or are affected by diabetes and its related diseases....

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Dr. Charita S. Kwan

March 2020

Dr. Charita S. Kwan
Head of the Research and Analytical Services Laboratory, Natural Sciences Research Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman

Over the past 20 years, I have become involved in the measurement of organic micropollutants, especially POPs and EDCs. In 2000, our laboratory was chosen to represent the Philippines in the ...

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Pierre Marquet, MD, PhD

March 2020

Pierre Marquet, MD, PhD
Head of the pharmacology and toxicology department at the University Hospital of Limoges, France.

Our main research topic is personalized medicine in organ transplant recipients. More generally, we set up analytical techniques to determine drugs or toxicants in biofluids to improve patient care. ...

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Dr. Adam Cawley

February 2020

Dr. Adam Cawley
Science Manager, Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory, Racing NSW

For the detection of peptide and protein drug molecules of interest to anti-doping we are developing methods of analysis using the Nexera Mikros Micro-Flow LC-MS-MS instrument to achieve ...

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Prof. Marcos N. Eberlin

February 2020

Prof. Marcos N. Eberlin
MackMass – Mackenzie Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry –
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo Brazil

My laboratory has been actively involved in ambient mass spectrometry (MS) and specifically in applying a new ionization technique (EASI) that we have developed in many fields such as ...

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Wang Guanghui, Professor

January 2020

Wang Guanghui, Professor
National Centre for Mass Spectrometry,
Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences

We mainly use GC-MS and LC-MS for qualitative analysis of complex mixtures. We not only look for compounds in a spectral database, but also can carry out structure analysis on unknown ...

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Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD

January 2020

Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD,
Section Head of Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation, Cleveland Clinic, USA

My research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of heart disease. To do that, we use mass spectrometry as a primary tool to discover the chemical signatures, both in the artery ...

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