Sports doping

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sports doping

Anti-doping policies, rules and regulations are governed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Doping is not only harmful to athletes who take performance-boosting drugs, but also affects the integrity of a sport. Shimadzu instruments can help ensure clean sports and here are a few applications.

Screening Analysis of Steroid Profiles and Qualitative Doping Substances by GC-MS/MS

Screening Analysis of Steroid Profiles and Qualitative Doping Substances by GC-MS/MS

Shimadzu GCMS-TQTM 8050 NX was selected as an instrument of choice for an anti-doping testing at international sports games held in 2021. The method developed for the games analyzed 180 substances, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative substances with one injection.
The sensitivity, the linearity, and the robustness of the instrument were demonstrated with endogenous steroids quantified for steroid profiling. The sensitivity in qualitative analysis of target substances was also proved to be sufficient, and chromatograms were provided for a dozen of such substances as an illustration in this article.

Screening Analysis of Highly Polar Doping Agents in Urine Using 2DLC/MS/MS

Screening Analysis of Highly Polar Doping Agents in Urine Using 2DLC/MS/MS


The discovery of new doping strategies with naturally occurring substances (e.g., androgenic steroids, prohormones, peptide hormones) necessitates new sports drug testing methods. The simultaneous analysis of highly polar doping agents is reported in this application news. The doping agents reported here includes meldonium and adrenergic agents such as synephrine, norfenefrine, etilefrine, oxilofrine, and octopamine.

Analysis of Steroids and NSAIDS Using the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Analysis of Steroids and NSAIDS Using the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer


Prohibited drug substances mainly fall into the categories of anabolic steroids (AAS), steroidal anti-inflammatory, and narcotic and designer drugs. An accurate identification method for typical steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is introduced in this application news.