Blood Alcohol Analysis System

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Blood Alcohol Analysis System

In fields such as forensic medicine and emergency care, analysis of the components in the blood is frequently performed in order to assess the cause of death or symptoms, and to evaluate criminality. The measurement of alcohol, primarily ethanol, is utilized to determine drunkenness and to separate drinking from other clinical cases. Other methods are known for easily calculating alcohol concentration from exhalation and saliva. However, gas chromatography is generally utilized because it’s a highly precise measurement method.
The Shimadzu Blood Alcohol Analysis System combines a gas chromatograph equipped with the world’s highest sensitivity detector and an electronic flow controller with a headspace sampler that keeps the sample line as short as possible, providing high sensitivity and repeatability as well as low carryover.

Gas Chromatography


Example of the Analysis of Blood Alcohol

Two special-purpose columns for blood alcohol analysis are available, enabling quick analysis of target alcohols with complete separation. Performing the analysis with two columns with different polarities enables a more accurate qualitative analysis.

Example of the Analysis of 7 Components Using the SH-RtxTM-BAC Plus 2 Column (0.1 mg/mL each)

Example of the Analysis of 10 Components Using the SH-RtxTM-BAC Plus 1 Column (0.1 mg/mL each)

Example of the Analysis of Blood with the Equivalent of 8 to 160 mg/100 mL of Ethanol (EtOH) Added




  • Note
    The products noted in this document have not been certified as medical equipment based on the Japanese Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act.
    They cannot be used for therapeutic or diagnostic objectives or related procedures.

Read more    Analysis of Alcohol Compounds in Blood   Analysis of Alcohol Compounds in Blood (2)

Example Configuration

In this example configuration, a single column is utilized in a single analysis line.

Shimadzu Nexis GC-2030 AF Gas Chromatograph
HS-20 Headspace Sampler
LabSolutions LCGC
SH-RtxTM-BAC Plus 1 Column
SH-RtxTM-BAC Plus 2 Column
GC-2030 Consumables Kit
20 mL Vials, 100 pc
Silicone/PTFE Up to 200 °C Caps, 100 pc.